Midwest Real Estate Data LLC December 5, 2011
Next Generation
The Next Generation of Market Comprehension
Your Source of Public Records is Realist®- MRED’s Public Records solution. Has 21 Illinois Counties; 3 Wisconsin Counties; and 5 Indiana Counties. Has links to
MLS Listings; expanded property details; displays up to 8 property transfers; overlays plot on aerial map with addresses, recent sales, Bank Owned and Pre-
Foreclosure; Comparable, Neighbor & Foreclosure searches; and Assessor (Plat) Maps (Realist® Map plotting and Assessor Maps not available in all counties).
To access: In connectMLS™ - click Search tab, use Search Type “Tax”; or click the icon in the upper right corner of every connectMLS screen or in the
Tools section of your My MLS screen; it is also accessible via every listing in connectMLS.
Basic Uses of Public Records
Owners - Displays current owners
Sale Date & Price - Displays settlement dates and sale (purchase) prices
Mortgage - Displays initial mortgage amounts for 1st and 2nds/equity lines, but not releases
Taxes - Displays taxes; approximately 60-90 day delay from when the county issues tax bills
Realist Map - Displays distress sales, tax sales, flood zones, plot community facilities, display market trends
Basic Business Resource
Build a Farm - Get a list of addresses in any area of interest and print mailing labels
Mailing Lists - For Just Listed/Just Sold mailings or general prospecting
FSBO Sales - Include in your CMA; offer additional comps to appraisers
FSBO Competition - Look up FSBO property - evaluate impact on sellers, clients and/or solicit the FSBO listing
Comparable Value (Realist) - Determine value based on assessed value ratio and/or Sq ft; Objective view of value
Neighbor Search (Realist) - Determine what kind of property surround any given property. Is the property next to a church, bowling alley or a bar., etc.
Proactive Business Resource - Target Marketing
Find Absentee Owners - Send them market updates on their investment properties
Find Renters - Occupants of Non Owner Occupied properties are renters/potential buyers. Cross reference the address with rented listings in the MLS to
determine approximate lease dates and monthly payment
Find Specific Property Types - Find owners of specific property types to prospect, for your investor clients, such as multi-unit buildings, vacant land,
commercial property, tear-down/rehab companies, etc.
Target Seasoned Property - Search property bought at least 8+ years ago, at a minimum price of your choice. They are more likely to sell than a more recent
purchaser - and still have equity!
Find Bank Owned or Pre-Foreclosure Property - Solicit the bank for the listing; anticipate new MLS listing
What to Do With Bank Owned / Pre-Foreclosure
Advise Seller Clients - How will these potential distress sales impact their market
Anticipate - Additional below market listings coming on the market
Prepare/Advise Buyer Clients - and Investors of potential new inventory
Evaluate Impact - How could a high number of Pre-Foreclosures impact a given neighborhood/association? Effect on Sale Prices? Deficiencies in assessment
collections and/or potential for special assessments? Impact on availability of new mortgages in the area?
Offer Assistance/Solicit Listings - Most owners in Pre-Foreclosure have to sell.